Education: verbs
Achieve: aconseguir
Cheat: trucs
Copy: copiar
Fail: suspendre
Get a high mark: obtenir una nota alta
Get a low mark: obtenir una nota baixa
Pass: aprovar
Panic: tenir por/ estressar-se
Retake: tornar a fer
Revise: revisar
Study: estudiar
Take: fer
Education: nouns
Primary school: escola primària
Secondary school: institut
Subject: assignatura
Uniform: uniforme
University: universitat
Adjective, verb and noun prefixes
Anti-learning: no aprendre
Anti-war: contra la guerra
Co-educational: coeducatiu
Coexist: coexistir
Cooperation: cooperació
Misbehave: portar-se malament
Misprint: error d'impremta
Misunderstand: malinterpretar
Outperform: superar
Outplay: fora de joc
Outrun: passar-se
Overcharge: sobrecarga
Overconfident: excés de confianza
Overwork: excés de treball
Rewrite: tornar a escriure
Redo: refer
Underachieve: no aconseguir
Underestimate: subestimar/ infravalorar
False friend
Advise: aconsellar
Attend: asistir a
Career: tots els llocs de treball
College: institut
Lecture: confèrencia
Library: biblioteca
Realize: donar-se compte
Success: éxit
Other words
Tips: consells
Investment: inversions
I'm looking forward: estic esperant amb il.lusió
Either......or.........: o......o........
I have to borrow: he demanat prestats
Lend: prestar
Worth it: val la pena
Punished: castigar
However: sin embargo
On the other hand: d'altra banda
Linkers of addition
In the middle of a sentence:
At the end of a sentence:
-As well
At the beginning of a sentence:
-In addition
-What's more
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